Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Strangest Story of All

C. S. Lewis calls the Resurrection of Christ "The strangest story of all." To Jesus' followers it was the strangest story. Even though Jesus had told them he would rise on the third day, the disciples did not believe it. Mary Magdalene and the disciples at Emmaus testified to seeing the risen Christ and still the disciples did not believe. When Jesus finally appears to the 11 in the Upper Room, Mark says He rebukes them for their unbelief and hardness of heart.

Not much has changed in 2000 years. It is still difficult for people to believe that a man could rise from the dead. Many believe that Jesus was a good man, a moral teacher, someone who left us a good example to follow. But believing in Him as God, in the flesh, who conquered death it too difficult a leap. One can certainly see this attitude in how the world celebrates Easter. Christmas is still somewhat about a baby's birth, but Easter is now about bunnies and eggs. We celebrate the "Christmas season" but barely give Easter one day. Yet it is Easter- the Crucifixion and the Resurrection-that sets Christianity apart.

The Resurrection changed everything-past, present, and future. Death has been robbed of its stronghold on us. Jesus walked into the jaws of that final, fierce enemy and conquered it. The resurrection proves that Jesus was who he said he was. We can live today in the joy and power of a living Savior. It is because of the Resurrection that we have hope and the promise of heaven. Death is no longer something to fear. We know that our bodies will be raised like Jesus' was raised. We may close our eyes to life here but we open them to life forever. The Resurrection propels us into a life of courage and assurance.

What great assurance it is to know that we need not fear death for our loved ones who know Christ or fear death for ourselves. The Resurrection has left us with the sweet scent of heaven and the promise of a grand reunion with Christ and our loved ones.

There is a country song titled "Live Like You Are Dying", which speaks of living for today. As Christians we should live not like we are dying but fearless and free because of the power of the Resurrection.

"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" Hosea 13:14

"It strengthens our faith to revisit the Resurrection of Christ. We follow him not only because of his sinless life, matchless teaching and atoning death. We also follow him because he is the only religious leader in history with an empty grave. Little did Joseph of Arimathea know that the Lord was only going to borrow his tomb for three days. Someone ought to write on the grave of every Christian, "Borrowed only until He comes." God has promised to do for us what he did for Jesus, and he expects us to live like it." Wayne E. Shaw

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